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Allpets Veterinary Hospital 041-981 0000
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Services & Facilities

Providing a comprehensive veterinary service for your pets

Services & Facilities

Providing a comprehensive veterinary service for your pets

We provide a comprehensive veterinary service to companion animals from young through to geriatric stages.

Our preventative health care includes:

  • Vaccinations (with full clinical check ups)
  • Weight management clinics
  • Senior checks


Our services & facilities:

  • Advanced Ultrasonography
  • Cattery
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Diagnostic Procedures
  • Neutering
  • Nursing Clinics
  • Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Fleas & Worms
  • Vaccinations
  • Your Pet's Surgery
  • Emergency Care

Advanced Ultrasonography

Our vets perform advanced ultrasonography techniques on the heart and abdomen with human grade ultrasonographic equipment. This allows us to provide specialist ultrasound diagnostics enhancing our diagnostic capabilities comparable to those available in a human hospital.

One of the most common reasons for an advanced ultrasound scan is the investigation of heart murmurs/disease. Many measurements are taken of the heart and also blood flow through the heart chambers and valves can be measured accurately using spectral and colour Doppler ultrasound. This can help more accurately diagnose heart conditions and provide optimal treatment options.

Also through this service we have the ability to take ultrasound-guided biopsies from organs such as the liver, spleen etc. to help diagnose conditions without invasive surgery. Previously many of these samples would have had to be taken by performing surgery.

Advanced scans of the abdomen can also be useful in the diagnosis of more difficult conditions such as pancreatitis, diseases of the adrenal glands etc which can suspected from blood samples/clinical exam but visualisation of structures ensures a complete diagnostic picture. The ultrasonographer then correlates the results of the scan directly to the vet dealing with your pet  enabling best possible clinical outcomes.


Our cattery located adjacent to the hospital provides a comfortable and safe stay for your cat while you enjoy your holidays.

One of our nurses Kim, supervises the running of the cattery and ensures that all our feline friends enjoy their boarding at Allpets Cattery. So why not let our nurses care for your cat in the environs of our spacious, homely cattery. After all, while you are away your cat should play!

As places are limited, it is advisable to book as far as possible in advance.

We will need to see your cat’s updated vaccination certificate / record, so please bring this along with you. You are also welcome to bring any non-essential requirements such as bedding, toys or special foods you would like your cat to have while you are away.

Drop off / Collection times are operated strictly by appointment, during the following time frames:

Mon – Fri: 10:00 – 12:00  OR 16:00 – 19:00

Sat: 10:00 – 12:00  OR 14:00 – 16:00

A viewing of the cattery facilities can also be arranged by appointment prior to your cats stay.

Call us on (041) 9810000 to book your cat’s stay or for further information.


Dental disease is probably as common and as painful in dogs as in man. Since dogs do not have the ability to communicate their discomfort until relatively recently a lot of dental problems have been overlooked.

It is estimated that over 85% of dogs over three years old suffer from some degree of periodontitis, making it by far the most common canine oral disease.

Periodontal disease is infection in the tissues surrounding the tooth. Accumulation of tartar (calculus) on the tooth will cause the gum to recede around the base of the tooth. Infection soon follows and as a result of inflammation of the gum (gingivitis) it recedes. Untreated, the infection then spreads into the tooth socket and ultimately the the tooth loosens.

At Allpets we carry out dental descale, polishing and xrays on a daily basis to try as much as possible to prevent our patients losing teeth and suffering oral discomfort but carry out extractions when teeth are beyond salvage and extremely painful.

During a descale tartar and more importantly invisible plaque has to be removed completely. For this with our animals a general anaesthetic is necessary. If the patient is fairly elderly it is prudent to carry out routine blood tests to establish that kidney and liver function are satisfactory. Sometimes antibiotic treatment is instituted before full dental prophylaxis is carried out. We will be happy to discuss this with you.

Under general anaesthesia scaling, both by hand and using ultrasonic cleaning equipment will be used to remove tartar, both that which is visible on the crowns of the teeth and also that which is accumulating below the gum line, since it is this which causes gum recession and subsequent infection. The teeth are then polished in order to prevent subsequent plaque build-up as much as possible. The teeth are all then assessed and any extractions carried out as required.

Post dental we will advise you re soft food for a short period if required post any extractions and also on prevention of further dental disease once the teeth had been attended to with diets, brushing, oral hygiene agents etc.


Did you know that:

  • Between a quarter and a third of all visits to the veterinary clinic are for skin problems?
  • There are over 160 different skin diseases that can affect our pets?
  • Some diseases can be spread to other pets and your family members?

Signs of skin disease

  • Itchy skin
  • Scaly skin
  • Lumps
  • Infections
  • Excessive grooming
  • Licking feet
  • Repeated ear infections
  • Repeated anal sac infections

What can you do?

  • Regular anti-parasitic treatments
  • Groom your pet regularly looking for any changes
  • Feed a good quality diet
  • Do not wash your pet too often

What we offer

In a dermatological consultation we may suggest the following tests to help find out what is bothering your pet. These tests may be done ‘in-house’ or sent to an outside expert laboratory.

  • Full examination
  • Skin scraping
  • Coat brushings
  • Combings
  • Hair plucks
  • Parasitic microscopy
  • Allergen specific serological testing
  • Blood tests
  • Urinalysis
  • Woods lamp for ringworm
  • Fungal and bacterial culture
  • Skin biopsy
  • Dietary trials
  • Bacterial microscopy

Treatments vary but your vet will guide you through all the options available.

If your dog is suffering with a skin complaint, it may be useful to have a look at this questionnaire before coming in as the vet is likely to ask these questions:

  • When did you first notice this problem?
  • What age was the pet?
  • Has your pet ever had any skin problems previously?
  • Do you think that the problem is worse at different times of the year?
  • Do you think anything may be contributing to the problem?
  • Has there been any changes to your pets diet or environment in the last 12 weeks?
  • Do you have any other pets?
  • Are they showing any problems?
  • Are any family members having skin problems?
  • Where does your pet sleep?
  • Do you have carpet, tiles, wooden floors?
  • Do you use disinfectants on the bedding or flooring?
  • How often do you groom your pet?
  • What products to you use? (Shampoos, sprays etc)
  • What flea treatments do you use and how often do you use them?
  • Are all the pets in the house flea treated?
  • Does your pet have any other condition?
  • Is your pet currently on any other medication?
  • What diet do you feed your pet?
  • Does your pet get scraps, table extras?
  • Does your pet get any supplements?
  • Is your pet itchy?
  • Do you notice a smell?
  • Has the condition worsened over time or stayed the same?
  • Where on the pet did the problem start ? (i.e. feet, face, back etc?)
  • How is your pets appetite and water intake?
  • Any increased need to toilet?
  • If female, when was her last heat?

Diagnostic Procedures

Diagnostic facilities available at Allpets on a daily basis include:


Digital xray allows us get xrays of your patient within minutes and vital for diagnosis of bony abnormalities, organ enlargement etc.


Is an excellent, non-invasive diagnostic tool for assessing the internal structure and tissue type of body organs especially abdominal organs where biopsies may also be taken. The heart and the function of it’s valves and chambers can be very accurately assessed by ultrasound without any risk to the patient.

Electrocardiograph (ECG)

Assesses pet’s heart rhythm and rate as part of routine monitoring under GA or in investigation of cardiac cases.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

As part of routine monitoring under GA or when suspect renal/heart diseases where hypertension common.


Used to examine skin scrapings/ear swabs to detect parasites/bacteria/fungal infections, blood smears and urine samples to detect infections,crystals etc.

Blood Testing

Full haematology, biochemistry and electrolyte analysers in our lab – with results within 20 minutes which is essential to the care of our hospitalised /critical patients. We also run profiles of the thyroid and adrenal glands to detect endocrine disorders, tests to check for FIV/FELV in the cat, snap tests to detect pancreatitis and parvovirus and BAST liver function tests.


Allows us to fully examine the animal’s ear canal and assess the eye and its internal structures including the lens and retina. We have a daily courier to external lab in the event of specialised diagnostic tests being required on bloods or other body samples.


Neutering Your Pet

Neutering your dog/cat is a routine surgical proceedure we perform daily Monday-Friday.


  • All cats from 5 to 6 months of age onwards


  • Small breeds from 6 - 9 months old
  • Medium breeds from 10 to 12 months old
  • Large breeds from 15 to 18 months old
  • We do not neuter when the female dog is in heat or in the 10 weeks post heat

We offer a complimentary pre-neuter checkup with a nurse, you can go through any questions regarding age/timing of neutering for your pet at this check-up. This checkup can be booked by calling 041-9810000.

Neutering General Information:

Neutering prevents unwanted heats/pregnancies/uterine infections in females as well as reduces the risk
of mammary cancers later in life.

In male dogs it helps to prevent unwanted marking/sexual behaviour, testicular cancer is prevented and helps reduce prostatic problems.

What to expect when you book a neutering procedure:

At Allpets, neutering is normally a day procedure.

We will contact you the day before your booking to confirm an admit time and will also email you some general information. Your pet should be fasted from 8pm the previous evening (no food but can have water).

A nurse will admit your pet at the arranged time (normally between 8am-9am) and will go through some paperwork with you. The nurse will discuss the surgery, overall health of the patient and advise you re pre-anaesthetic blood tests – which we recommend as a baseline before any elective proceedure.

Following admission the operating vet does a clinical exam, blood tests are run in our in house lab and your pet receives a pre-medication tailored to suit his /her medical needs.

The surgery follows with our operating vet and dedicated theatre nurse, who monitors the anaethesia; with the aid of a multiparameter monitor recording ecg,BP, pulse oximeter etc. Gas anaesthesia with isoflurane is used during surgery and pain relief is administered during and post op. Analgesia (pain relief) is generally in the form of opiods and nsaids but again this is tailored to your pets individual health and requirements. IV fluids are provided for those patients which we feel will benefit due to their individual requirements.

Post op monitoring by our ward nurse, ensures your pet is kept comfortable and monitored at all times
post op, until we feel is ready for discharge. You will be contacted by our nurse who will arrange a discharge time (generally in the early evening).

At your discharge appointment, our nurse will go through post op care instructions; including rest periods, use of buster collar and give direction on the medications/pain relief dispensed. We will book an appointment for you for a Post Op checkup 10-14 days later (or earlier if required), this ensures your pet has fully healed and ready to be fully discharged from care and the nurse will also go through post op longterm dietary requirements.

Nursing Clinics

Nursing clinics are a free service provided during clinic times (by appointment only).

Among the complimentary Nurse Services are:

  • Weight Clinics: Regular weight checks, advice and monitoring programme aimed at achieving the correct and healthy weight of your pet.
  • Developmental checks for Puppies/Kittens: When your pet is approximately 6-8 months old to monitor their development and discuss important issues relevant to their health such as feeding, flea/worm control, neutering, behaviour etc. We also offer all the information you need to know when you adopt a new puppy or Kitten.
  • Senior /Geriatric Clinics: We run senior/geriatric clinics to identify preventative health care aspects for animals over 7 years. The complimentary nurse check includes ECG,blood pressure monitoring and urine analysis.
  • Behaviour Advice
  • Pet Insurance Information
  • Pet Passport Information

Contact any of the team on 041 981 00000 or email info@allpets.ie to discuss any of the above services.

Orthopaedic Surgery

Here at Allpets we have full surgical and diagnostic imaging facilities. This allows us to perform a wide range of orthopaedic surgeries. Our vet Gregory Cameron who has undergone further training in orthopaedic surgery normally performs these surgeries.

These are some of the more common procedures that we perform on a regular basis:

  • Fracture repair
  • Treatment of Cruciate Ligament Disease
  • Treatment of luxating patella
  • Hip Surgery

Fracture Repair

If your pet has a possible fractured bone the first step is to stabilise them and take x-rays of the bone. We can then plan the best treatment for your pet, which will ensure the best chance of a full recovery and fewest complications. We use a variety of methods for fracture repair including plates, screws, pins and external fixation systems. A personalised rehabilitation program is then organised for your pet on discharge from the hospital.

Cruciate Ligament Disease

Rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament (CrCL) is the most common orthopaedic condition found in dogs. It is similar to the rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament in people. The cruciate ligament’s role is to stabilise the knee joint. Unlike people where it is normally a traumatic injury the majority of ruptures in dogs are caused by degeneration and genetic factors. Dogs usually present with lameness and pain of one of their hind legs. Diagnosis is made by x-rays and a full orthopaedic examination under sedation. Once a diagnosis has been made we will explain all the available procedures and make a recommendation best suited to your pet. There are numerous surgical procedures available including lateral suture, tightrope technique, TPLO, TTO, TTA and MMP.

At Allpets we perform the TTA ( Tibial Tuberosity Advancement ) surgery as the ideal surgical treatment for cruciate ligament disease. The surgery involves cutting and advancing the tibial crest in order to stabilise the knee joint. A special orthopaedic metal spacer is then inserted to secure the tibial crest in its new advanced,upward position -this moves the patellar ligament forward removing the sliding movement caused by cruciate ligament rupture. The TTA is one of least invasive procedures which results in less pain and discomfort after the surgery and a much quicker recovery. Many of our patients will be comfortable enough to start walking on the leg when they go home the following day.

View our video of a patient walking 3 days after surgery. This video explains how the procedure is performed. We also perform the lateral suture technique for smaller dogs and where cost are an issue. The knee joint is stabilised using a synthetic ligament. This procedure isn’t as robust as the TTA surgery and there is usually a longer recovery period. 6-8 weeks of rest and recovery is required for a successful recovery from both procedures.

Luxating Patella

Luxating patella is often referred to as a dislocating kneecap and often affects small to medium breeds of dogs. Again the condition can be diagnosed after x-rays and a full orthopaedic examination under sedation. A number of factors can lead to the development of this condition with most of them having a genetic component. After the diagnosis has been made we will explain the available procedures and make the recommendation best for your pet.

Surgeries performed include wedge trochleoplasty, tibial crest transposition, medial retinaculum desmotomy and imbrication of lateral retinaculum. We also perform a recently developed procedure called Ridgestop, which involves inserting an implant to prevent the kneecap from dislocating – this is minimally invasive and gives excellent post op prognosis with minimal post op joint changes.

Fleas & Worms


Fleas are one of the most common parasites that can infest your pet. An infestation can occur at any stage of the year despite popular belief that spring/summer are the only times fleas are a problem.

How do you know your pet has an infestation?

Live fleas may be seen on your pets’ coat but they may not be easily seen in thick or dark coats. ‘Flea dirt’ will probably be seen on you pets’ fur, this looks like small dry specks of muck and will streak red when wiped with damp white cotton wool. Excessive scratching can also be another common sign of fleas.

How do you treat fleas?

Like most things, prevention is better than cure. Fleas live in the environment and not on your pet, so they can sometimes be hard to treat and may take a number of months to get rid of them fully.

Spot on treatments applied between the shoulders monthly or a new tablet (for dogs only) given every 3 months will serve as protection and treatment against fleas. Some of these work in the environment as well as on your pet. Please come in and talk to our staff further to find out what product best suits you and your pet.


Intestinal worms are extremely common in both dogs and cats but especially in puppies and kittens. They are also a parasite that can be spread to people, so for this reason it is extremely important to have a regular worming routine in place from when you first bring your new pet home.

Treatment Regime:

  • 2 weeks – 12 weeks: dose every 2 weeks
  • 3 months – 6 months: dose every 4 weeks
  • 6 months – rest of life: dose every 3 months

Dosing can be done orally, either by tablet or by liquid. Also some spot on treatments will cover some types of worm. Visit our practice, and our staff can suggest what product would best suit your pet. Signs of worms can include a swollen tummy and ill thrift with increased appetite. Owners may also see irritation in the perianal area and in severe cases worms may be seen in faeces or vomit.


Pet Vaccinations

It is our ethos to try to prevent disease where at all possible and during your pet’s annual vaccination it will receive a full clinical exam as we will advise you on the specific vaccines available to offer maximum protection to your pet. Vaccines trigger the pet’s immune system to produce antibodies against disease.

This means that if your pet comes into contact with one of the infectious agents, its immune system will recognise and fight the disease. Vaccination is the only proven method of protecting against some specific diseases, that can be life threatening for the animal or in cases such as leptospirosis also transmitted to humans.

Initial Vaccinations are given in two parts: Puppies at 6-8 weeks and again at 10-12 weeks, Kittens at 9 weeks and 2-3 weeks later a second injection.

After their first vaccination cycle, your pet should then be given boosters every 12 months.  

Dogs should be routinely vaccinated against canine parvovirushepatitisdistemperleptospirosis, Adenovirus and parainfluenza. If your dog will be spending some time at training classes/groomers or meeting a lot of other dogs in kennels or through exercising they may also be given an infectious tracheobronchitis (kennel cough) vaccine.  

Cats should be routinely vaccinated against feline herpesviruscalicivirus, infectious enteritis, feline leukaemia virus, feline Influenza, Rhinotracheitis and Panleukopenia.

With our Pet Health Club plan; it makes budgeting for your yearly vaccines easier click here for more information.

Click the blue links to view more information on caring for your new puppy or bring your puppy to one of our puppy parties.

Rabbits need vaccinations on annual basis too, in order to protect them against myxomatosis and haemorrhagic disease.

Your Pet's Surgery

Here at Allpets Veterinary Hospital we perform routine surgical procedures on a daily basis –Monday to Friday.

These elective procedures include Spays, Castrations, Dental Descale and Polishes. We also perform any number of non-routine or emergency surgeries 7 days a week if necessary.

These surgeries can range from dental extractions, lump removals, wound reconstructions to splenectomies, caesarean sections and fracture/cruciate ligament repairs.

For our elective surgeries, we admit patients into the hospital in the morning between 8-9:30am. Generally if your pet requires a General Anaesthetic we ask you to fast them from approximately 8pm the previous evening. There is no need to withhold water.

On admission, the nurse will ask you a few standard questions to gauge if your pet is fit for surgery on that day.
We will discuss with you the importance of a pre-anaesthetic blood screen in order to detect any abnormalities that may complicate your pets surgery and ask you for a contactable phone number whereby we can reach you at all stages throughout the day.

Your pet’s safety and comfort is a priority to us and we take a number of measures to minimise any anxiety/stress they may feel. We tailor your pets pre-med sedation to their needs and administer it prior to surgery to reduce their anxiety. We use Isoflurane gaseous anaesthesia which is extremely safe for all our patients including our geriatric and exotic patients. We always ensure adequate pain relief is given to your pet before, during and after any surgical procedure.

During anaesthesia and surgery your pet is monitored continuously by one of our Registered Veterinary Nurses. This includes ECG monitoring of the heart, SP02 monitoring for oxygen saturation (an estimate of the % amount of oxygenated haemoglobin in the blood), Blood Pressure, Temperature and Respiration rates to ensure any concerns are addressed efficiently and promptly. On recovery they are continually assessed and reassured by our nurses.

Depending on the procedure performed your pet may need an overnight stay in the hospital but most of our patients can be discharged the same day.

Our Vets/Nurses will always update you on your pet’s progress throughout the day and arrange a discharge time whereby we can discuss all aspects of post-operative care with you. This includes advice on feeding, wound care, follow up appointments for wound checks or dressing changes and suture removal. We will also discuss, in most cases, the importance of an Elizabethan collar to prevent your pet interfering with their surgical wound.

We are available 24 hours a day for any advice or reassurance you may need throughout your pet’s recovery period.

Emergency Care

If you experience a pet emergency, please call us immediately on 086 60330600. During opening hours a member of the team will be available to assist you and arrange for your pet to be seen by one of our vets.

Calls between 9:00pm and 7:00am will be diverted to EMERGE, an Out of Hours Emergency Veterinary Service.