Neutering Your Pet
Neutering your dog/cat is a routine surgical proceedure we perform daily Monday-Friday.
- All cats from 5 to 6 months of age onwards
- Small breeds from 6 - 9 months old
- Medium breeds from 10 to 12 months old
- Large breeds from 15 to 18 months old
- We do not neuter when the female dog is in heat or in the 10 weeks post heat
We offer a complimentary pre-neuter checkup with a nurse, you can go through any questions regarding age/timing of neutering for your pet at this check-up. This checkup can be booked by calling 041-9810000.
Neutering General Information:
Neutering prevents unwanted heats/pregnancies/uterine infections in females as well as reduces the risk
of mammary cancers later in life.
In male dogs it helps to prevent unwanted marking/sexual behaviour, testicular cancer is prevented and helps reduce prostatic problems.
What to expect when you book a neutering procedure:
At Allpets, neutering is normally a day procedure.
We will contact you the day before your booking to confirm an admit time and will also email you some general information. Your pet should be fasted from 8pm the previous evening (no food but can have water).
A nurse will admit your pet at the arranged time (normally between 8am-9am) and will go through some paperwork with you. The nurse will discuss the surgery, overall health of the patient and advise you re pre-anaesthetic blood tests – which we recommend as a baseline before any elective proceedure.
Following admission the operating vet does a clinical exam, blood tests are run in our in house lab and your pet receives a pre-medication tailored to suit his /her medical needs.
The surgery follows with our operating vet and dedicated theatre nurse, who monitors the anaethesia; with the aid of a multiparameter monitor recording ecg,BP, pulse oximeter etc. Gas anaesthesia with isoflurane is used during surgery and pain relief is administered during and post op. Analgesia (pain relief) is generally in the form of opiods and nsaids but again this is tailored to your pets individual health and requirements. IV fluids are provided for those patients which we feel will benefit due to their individual requirements.
Post op monitoring by our ward nurse, ensures your pet is kept comfortable and monitored at all times
post op, until we feel is ready for discharge. You will be contacted by our nurse who will arrange a discharge time (generally in the early evening).
At your discharge appointment, our nurse will go through post op care instructions; including rest periods, use of buster collar and give direction on the medications/pain relief dispensed. We will book an appointment for you for a Post Op checkup 10-14 days later (or earlier if required), this ensures your pet has fully healed and ready to be fully discharged from care and the nurse will also go through post op longterm dietary requirements.